
Fancy Frame Horns Step Two!

 The next step involves making boxing plates and extensions for the frame horns that will support the rear mounted fuel tank. A pattern was made and the four pieces needed were painstakingly cut trimmed and ground until they fit and the tack welded to form the top of the rear frame rails

Fancy Frame Horns Step ONE!

 So it took a while but I'm finally able to get back on the C bucket frame.  I have cut outs that match the profile of the rear of the body and made spacers to hold the side panels apart the proper distance so that the top and bottom strips will fit properly The uprights were then placed evenly from each corner of the rear main frame and tacked in place.  

Fog light dilemma

 So here is a sneak peak at the future.  Some amber fog lights I'll be mounting near the end of the build.  There are three possible locations.  Vote for your favorite in the comments and tell me why :) Location #1 is on a tab just behind the front cross member Location #2 is on a tab just ahead of the front cross member Location #3 is directly on top of the frame rail just behind the front cross member So what do you think?

The front suspension starts going together

 So today I was planning to bend the fish plates for the frame but had a blow out in one of my tank valves so I have to get a new one before I can do that.  Instead I ended up mocking up the front suspension and while it looks cool there is a problem. It isn't obvious from this picture but in the next it becomes apparent The end of the radius rod aligns under the frame rail instead of beside it which depending on suspension movement may cause interference and  will at the very least not look right I think the solution will be to disassemble the front end and bend the top and bottom tabs outward slightly to correct the alignment.  Can't bend the whole tab or the spring perches won't reach any more

The GO pedal

 There will be more on this later but there is my gas pedal to be.    Such a cool drum pedal!  I love what is says on the toe "SPEED KING"   

Found treasure in Savanah

So my wife and I went on a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary and while cruising antique stores found this wheel.  I wanted something different/unique/cool for the C bucket and ran across this vintage boat wheel.   No idea yet what it was from, and I know I'll need to make an adaptor but the center is steel and the rim is mahogany.  Another project in the progress but it will be different :)  

Body on frame and grill alignment

 So I set the body on the frame, even though is isn't quite time yet, I just wanted to see it and see how the body and grill looked together. As you can see above the grill shell is sitting too low and will need to move up to look right.  Not a bad thing as it will increase ground clearance and now I won't need to modify the grill shell. Well I just had to put the lights on there for fun.  There were already holes and I was just really curios to see how they would look. Grill to body alignment is really important so I wanted to make sure mine would be right. I raised the shell 1 1/2 " and as you can see from the tape stretched along the length the alignment seems just right.  Final alignment will be determined once she is on her wheels and the engine is in place.  More to come so stay tuned!