Body on frame and grill alignment

 So I set the body on the frame, even though is isn't quite time yet, I just wanted to see it and see how the body and grill looked together.

As you can see above the grill shell is sitting too low and will need to move up to look right.  Not a bad thing as it will increase ground clearance and now I won't need to modify the grill shell.

Well I just had to put the lights on there for fun.  There were already holes and I was just really curios to see how they would look.

Grill to body alignment is really important so I wanted to make sure mine would be right.

I raised the shell 1 1/2 " and as you can see from the tape stretched along the length the alignment seems just right.  Final alignment will be determined once she is on her wheels and the engine is in place.  More to come so stay tuned!


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