Rear window rust repair chapter 1

 With temperatures in the shop too low for fiberglass work (no heat :) ) I thought I'd spend a few minutes on the 1963 Buick Specials relatively minor rust issues.  The first photo is what I found when  removing the rear window and trim to expose window ledge area

I can reach this area from the inside and the metal around it felt good so I thought this would be the only spot on this section that might need replaced but that turned out not to be the case.  The metal here rusted from the outside in and a few minutes with the wire brush and ....
it becomes apparent that a larger area will need to be addressed

After looking the now clean area over the decision was fairly straight forward.

The area outlined in blue tape will be cut out and replaced as one piece.  It is straight from top to bottom and has two simple 90 degree bends which should make the replacement piece simple  to fabricate and the welds are either in concealed areas or near a bend so they will be easy to finish and should present minimal problems with warpage.


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